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Sunscreen – Your Best Anti-Aging Defense

Why You Need to Use Face Sunscreen

Why do you need to use face sunscreen? Because your face needs protection from harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun. When you do outdoor sports like skiing or go outside to take a walk during the day, you need to use sunscreen or a sun block to avoid damaging your skin and also lower your chances of getting skin cancer.

The sun is at its peak and UV rays are at their strongest between 10 am and 4 pm, the most harmful time to spend outdoors in direct sunlight. You need to “screen” out the sun’s UV rays,especially for your face by using face sunscreen. They bring about the sun damage that results in leathery-looking skin, uneven skin tone, and those dreaded wrinkles.

Melanin – the body’s natural defense against UV rays

The body’s natural defense for UV rays is a chemical called melanin. Melanin reacts with UV rays and absorbs them. Darker skinned people have more melanin than fair skinned people, and consequently the fair skinned are more vulnerable to UV damage. Melanin can only handle a certain amount of UV rays, so everyone, regardless of skin color, should apply sunscreen or sun block. There are different types of sunscreens available for different skin types and you could ask a dermatologist which is the right kind of product to use. There are organic skin products that contain less irritants and preservatives.

Woman at beach applying sunscreen

How does sunscreen help to prevent sun damage?

To protect you from UV rays, sunscreen contains ingredients like paramethoxycinnamate and Triethanolamine salicylate that absorb UV rays. When UV rays hit the sunscreen’s protective shield, these chemicals destroy the rays’ harmful elements.

Is there a good sunscreen that’s not greasy?

Most sunscreens are liquid lotions and leave the skin oily. Many people don’t like the greasy feeling and skip using sunscreen. My brother burns the back of his neck while mowing the lawn every summer because he can’t stand wearing sunscreen. I haven’t used Coppertone in years because I never liked the pervasive scent. Since I’m fair complected, I use SPF 30 or 45 on my face and have used different brands, such as Lumene from Finland, Neutrogena, and Banana Boat. Since creating this web site, I have searched for more innovative skin care lines and personally try their products. The sunscreen products I recommend are: 

So remember to protect yourself from the sun and apply sunscreen before exposure to the sun and reapply it every 2 hours, since the chemicals lose their ability to break down UV rays as time progresses. Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer and will make your skin look old and wrinkled. So wear sunscreen and enjoy outdoor activities without worrying about skin damage.

Use sunscreen and limit sun exposure or you could wind up looking like this…and wrinkles and tired looking skin in the future.

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